Live the life you have dreamed of at this 6+ acreage ranch style walkout, located on the banks of the Mississippi river - with the Pine river flowing into it next door! (see photos and video!) Location is centrally located between Brainerd, Crosslake, Breezy Point and Crosby! 450 Lakes in the Brainerd area, with 5 boat landings less than 15 minutes away. Famous Cuyuna trails close by, snowmobile and or ATV trails right out of the driveway! This beautiful log styled home also offers heated floors in the attached garage and the lower level living areas! Approx. 3 acres between the home and the river for quiet relaxing or enjoy with family and friends! Store all your toys in the extra 42x26 garage! Fishing and hunting at your fingertips, this property is a MUST see!
- Antigüedad: 11-20 años de antigüedad
- Amenidades: Puerto, En la costa
- Equipamiento: Lavavajilla, Secadora, Microondas, Cocina, Heladera, Lavarropa, Agua - Equipo para tratamiento de aguas duras
- Estilo arquitectónico: Estancia
- Tipo de fachada exterior: Bloque, Tronco
- Hogar: Hogar
- Sistema de calefacción: Hogar, Aire Forzado, Bomba de calor
- Área del lote: 6.35 Acres
- Tipo de tejado: Asfalto